Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cousin Chase & Aunt Liffey

While Daddy expressed serious reservations upon seeing this picture and its questionable safety standards, I had a blast sharing my swing with my cousin, Chase. He and my Aunt Liffey came for a visit and from the sounds of it, Mommy and her sister had a great time gabbing. I hope that I can someday have a sibling that I love as much as Mommy loves Liffey.


Anonymous said...

Okay, Bobby, we're both wore out and tore down, and just 5 seconds left on the clock, but if you heave it, I guarantee I'll catch it, and then we'll party like it's 2099.

Rachel said...

Hi Suzie! Liffey told me you were blogging so through some detective work (actually through Cara's blog) I found you. What a beautiful baby!! Send me your email so we can catch up! I would love to share some pictures with you of my new baby boy! We will be in your neck of the woods in a few weeks for a quick family vacation, I would love to see you and your baby. Take care!