Wednesday, August 22, 2007

REUNITED and it feels so good!

Me and Mommy started school this week - me in day care and Mom back at Woodlake Hills Middle School (Dad starts next week). So when 4 O'clock rolls around and she comes to pick me up, needless to say it is a passionate reunion. Here we are hours later and I can't let go of my favorite person in the whole world (apologies to Daddy and RickyRoy - tied for a close second).


It's 6:30 a.m., me, Mommy and Daddy are ready to see the 2007 version of the Texas Longhorns at the annual Orange / White Scrimmage at DKR Memorial Stadium (my folks are too cheap to purchase season tickets so we only visit when it's free). Say Dad, it looks like bad weather outside, maybe you should check to make sure the game's still a go.....

"Cancelled due to rain"

Here we are once we found out that the Orange / White Scrimmage had been cancelled [probably by Greg Davis]. Can you spot the baby in this picture? Geez, Dad, it was just a practice. As the great Allen Iverson once said "We talkin' about practice - not, not a game, but practice!" I wonder how Dad'll take it when I inform him that I want to play football for USC in eighteen years? (PS I'm just joking, I'll be a Longhorn, of course - I just like to get the old man all riled up.)

Can you have a "Baby" shower without a Baby?

I drive in all the way from San Antone for Ben and Shannon's "Baby Shower" only to find out that I'm not invited! Does this confuse anyone else? I was expecting to get showered with gifts, instead the party went on without me. Well, the jokes on everyone who attended, my grandmother and Pop-Pop Greg showered me with affection the entire evening. I did hear that the lasagna was delicious, all I had was milk, again....

Did you say Jason Jennings is pitching?

In that case either let me see the remote or switch me out of this outfit.

Admit it, this is what you visit the site for

Here's your precious close-up. I'd kindly ask you to refrain from any "receding hairline" jokes, thank you very much.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Somebody Learned How to Smile

I've added a new trick to my repertoire! Dig this! Yeah, that's right, I smile now, I'm a smiler. And if you think it looks cute on the internet you've got to see it in person....

Pop-Pop's Monkey Scares Me

For some reason my Pop-Pop Greg thought this stuffed monstrosity would really "tie the nursery together." Unfortunately, I can't sleep with it in the room and sometimes it tells me to do things, horrible things....

That's More Like It

Not all stuffed animals scare me, this is my pal Pancho, a golden retriever. Like my Mommy and Daddy, these little fellas make me a pretty happy guy.


I've been working on my flying and as you can see I've got the first part down. Unfortunately, the rest isn't coming so easily. I'm thinking that perhaps gravity is my kyrptonite - that and a weighted diaper. My Punker's hands are serving as my "training wings" until I can attain flight on my own. As you can see from my shirt, I think he rules.

The Corner Booth at Ninfas

This one's for the nerds. My mommy and her bestest friends used to come to Momma Ninfa's Restaurant on Kirby (in Houston) all the time to enjoy the delicious food and the splendid company. Mommy says this restaurant caused her to suffer from the rare but socially-crippling "senior 15," whatever that is....

Dining With a Legend

Mommy thought it appropriate that I should have my portrait taken with a mexican food pioneer, the Momma Ninfa. She was a great lady, and though she's in that fiery kitchen down below, her passion and obesity live on today in the corpulent bodies and souls of all the patrons of Ninfa's.

When you said I should 'Make myself at home' I thought you meant literally

My grandmommy took care of me this past weekend and I had so much fun listening to her stories - look how attentive I am in this picture. I had to strip down a little because Houston's climate is a bit more humid than I am used to.

Good Times, Good Friends

Here's a photo of me with my good pal Colsen and his mommy Jennifer, one of my Mommy's bestest friends. They came up to visit us this past week, but I have my suspicions that Coleson was more interested in RickyRoy than me...

The Happy Couple

It sure was a thrill to get to meet my second cousin Ash and his fiancee Heather. They're super cool and they were kind enough to take time out of their busy schedule to spend a little time with me and my folks.. If you're interested in a ringbearer for the ceremony, I'm multiple months away from walking - so take that into consideration. I'm ready any time for the bachelor party, however.

The Ol' Gang

Mommy took me to visit her dear friends who she used to work with at GSD&M. They were all thrilled to see me and I know it meant a lot for Mommy to get to introduce me to them.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

I have too much skin in my head/neck region

As you can see, I've found new ways to push the fat on my face around. Here is an example of me pushing it to the ear region by smiling. When I get mad I crease the fat where the upper-nose meets the intersection of my eyebrows - the rest congeals in the third to fourth chin area.....

A Primitive "Icky-Shuffle"

Almost two decades ago, a great man named Icky Woods, captured the imagination of the world by introducing the majestic "Icky Shuffle" while racing away with the Rookie of the Year award for the Cincinnati Bengals. Here, I recreate the dance to the best of my ability. What's Icky up to these days? He occassionaly fights bums for money and supplements his fast food addiction by selling plasma in the greater Las Vegas area.

The secret is going for the collarbone....

My uncle Michael taught me that when wrestling my Dad, all I need to do is go for the collarbone and he'll fall like a sack of potatoes. Here is a picture of me going for a three-count as we have a little wrestle-mania in the living room.

Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Babies

Move over Michael Vick. There's a new, even more disgusting, underground / illegal sport spreading like wildfire in the norther San Antonio region: Baby Fighting. Parents breed child warriors and pit them against one another while donned in ridiculous and humilating attire. Chock-full of supplements, these babies' lives consist of battle and rest, battle and rest until ultimately outgrowing their usefullness to be banished to public schools.

One Comfortable Grandma

How long's it been since you took a nice, long, drool-inducing nap on your grandmother? If you answered with any duration of time over six days, I suggest you call up your nearest granny and schedule a little cheek to chest time immediately - there's nothing quite like it.

Making the most of an opportunity

Here's a tip, when you get some face-time with a fancy ad exec like my good friend Trisha (who happens to work at GSD&M) you bring your A game. Here I'm striking a playful yet dashing pose in case Gerber or Huggies is looking for a new face - one that features patchy hair and an irresistible, toothless smile.

You set 'em up, I'll knock 'em down

Here I am with Big Al (my uncle Joe) enjoying a nice, hot bottle of milk. Joe just got back from a fascinating trip to the west coast. Joe's story introduced me to a whole world outside of Central Texas.
The one time I asked my parents about California Mommy screamed "WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT CALIFORNIA!?" and Daddy told me the golden state was "weird" and "full of hippies" and to never ask about it again. They even tried to convince me that the guy from "Commando" and "Predator" was the Governor......

"I declare a thumb war!"

My uncle Michael and I battled it out last week in Austin in a grueling thumb war. Pictured is my only victory. It makes Michael feel real big to pick on little kids, but hey, this is probably the only time in his life that he's beaten a Sioux in anything. (Camp Joke).