This one goes out to my fellow Frazer males in Florida (Texas leads Florida only 4 - 3 in males): Uncle Kevin and Cousins Owen and Gus. We'll get a full, manly photo of all of us together in Florida (a road game) this summer.
Grandma needs both arms and hands - plus a jacket - to keep me in one place for longer than a minute. She also knows that pumping my belly full of warm formula will keep me in the same place for about an hour, when I wake up hungry for more . . .
As many of you know, my Uncle Michael is a football coach. What many of you may not know is that I dabble in coaching a little baseball in my spare time. Here, for example, I'm teaching Uncle Michael how to throw a split-fingered block ball, one of my nastiest pitches.
I'm currently working on some new tricks, like this waving thing for example. Now, I've never been a conformist so I don't necessarily play by society's rules. For example, most of you wave in a defined manner when either greeting another or leaving one's presence. I on the other hand will wildly flap my hand or rotate it for no reason at all.
OK - in my defense, this was an up-shot photograph, taken at close-range and I had just put away two helping of squash and carrots. Look, I'm exercising (see me lifting this block) and really most of this is baby fat.
You see, I get to look at this fine face every day (with a boost from my Moma or Daddy) but y'all don't get that opportunity, so this photo is not of me doing anything zany or hilarious, it's just simply my beautiful mug for your aesthetic enjoyment.